
44CONnect June 2019

44CONnect is an invite-only event taking place on the 6th of June, somewhere in London. The purpose of the day is to bring together people attending 44CON training, so they can connect with trainers and people on different courses. It’s our way of giving people who’ve attended our courses the chance to get a taste of upcoming training, and the opportunity to get some extra credit to take back to the office.

This time, 44CONnect will be an evening event, with talks, food and drinks. Training attendees will have food provided and we’ll have a small bar tab.

To qualify for an invite, you need to have booked a seat on one of the following June courses:

There are 40 seats available and June training attendees have priority for invites. Where seats are available, we’ll invite people who’ve made September bookings and those who booked seats in March. If you’ve booked either for March or September training and would like to come along, drop us an email.

We’ll have two talks at most, then a reasonable volume of drinks. After all, there’s a full day of training ahead.

At the previous 44CONnect we had Owen and Will talking about hacking enterprises, our very own Steve Lord talking about using honeypots as educational tools, and Rory McCune showing that everything old is new again with kubernetes security.

We’ll announce speakers and talks closer to the date. In the meantime, why not take a look at our June and September courses?

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