44CONnect – A 1-day invite-only event in March 2019

44CONnect is a 1-day invite-only event taking place on the 13th of March, somewhere in London. The purpose of the day is to bring together people doing 44CON training, so they can connect with trainers and people on different courses. It’s our way of giving people who’ve attended our courses the chance to get a taste of upcoming training, and the opportunity to get some extra credit to take back to the office.

To qualify for an invite, you need to have done one of the following:

There are 20 tickets available, so make sure you qualify!

Our trainers from the last two days of training will deliver talks, as well as some of those delivering courses later this year. All of our training course delegates are invited, for whom lunch will be included. Early bird ticket holders invited to the event will have to buy their own lunch, as we can’t book it for them in advance.

There’ll be a special round of lightning talks for training delegates to deliver a short talk about something they learned on their course. Those speaking will get a small certificate of thanks that they can take back to the office.

Drinks have been organised for the evening, but we need to be in bed early for CRESTCon the next day.

*Early-bird ticket holders will be chosen at random throughout February, although unsubstantiated rumours abound that asking for an invite on your ticket order may drastically improve your chances…

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